
Soccer Program at EAS

        This year’s soccer program is not just for fun at our campus, we will be competing with other schools. This year, our first ever, our competitive soccer team is being coached by Mr. Morales. Tryouts began on February 18 and are still taking place. The placements will be announced soon. The majority of the soccer group is boys but there are some girls too. Once the team is announced, practices will begin and take place after school like our other varsity sports. So far, on this year’s soccer schedule we have two games, playing against Pine Hills. We hope that we can add more games as the season progresses.
        Our other sports seasons are over for the school year, so normally we would be winding down our athletic program, but not this year! With the addition of soccer to our program we get to continue showing our school athleticism and spirit!
By: Kristina Hughes

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